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How do I get listed on search englines like Google, Bing, etc?

Author: Geek Support Reference Number: AA-00426 Created: 02/03/2011 06:03 PM Last Updated: 06/23/2018 09:07 AM

This article will briefly introduce you to Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Search Engine 101

You do not need to do anything special, nor pay anyone, to get your website listed on search engines. Search engines, such as Google, use "spiders" to crawl the entire internet. When search engine spiders are crawling your website they will visit your main page and then follow all links, eventually crawling your entire website. This process happens very quickly and is continuous.. search engines are always crawling.

The overall data that the various search engines gather from their spiders will determine what key words will locate your website and what ranking your website receives relative to the key word. 

Some search engines have a way for you to submit your new website to them for inclusion in their listing. Generally, this is not needed as most websites are crawled very quickly and can start appearing on search engines in a matter of days.

Can I pay for a higher ranking?

There are a couple of ways to "pay" for greater search engine visibility.

The first way would be to pay a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service to analyze your website and target specific key words to, hopefully, gain a higher ranking in search results.

The second way would be to advertise on search engines for specific key words. You will want to visit the website of the search engine you would like to advertise on for specific details.

Do you provide any tools for SEO?

Many SEO tools are available in cPanel and can help with getting your site listing higher and into more relevant search results. In cPanel, find the "SEO and Marketing Tools" section to view all the tools we have available.

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If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Geek Support.

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