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What are my domain's name servers and how I do I use them?

Author: Geek Support Reference Number: AA-00413 Created: 01/24/2011 04:01 AM Last Updated: 06/22/2018 08:43 PM

Name Servers

DNS must be configured correctly before your domain will work with your web hosting account. Once your domain has been updated with the name servers associated with your GeekStorage service you will need to allow up to 48 hours for DNS propagation. For more information, see this article: What is DNS propagation? How long will it take?

If you are on one of our shared, unlimited, or performance hosting packages, your name servers are:

If you are on one of our reseller hosting packages, your name servers are:

If you are on a VPS or Dedicated Server, you will need to create private (custom) name servers.

Updating Your Domain's Name Servers

If you registered your domain at GeekStorage:

  • You can specify your domain's name servers during the domain registration process.
  • You can manage your GeekStorage Domains by logging in to our Account Portal.

If your domain is registered elsewhere:

  • You will need to login to the domain management website of your domain's registrar to update your domain's name servers.
  • We have several online video tutorials available that show you how to update a domain's name servers at popular domain registrars (click here to view the tutorials).

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