April 25, 2011 at 12:13 AMThis post will provide you with the most up-to-date information regarding the scheduled maintenance window for the Chicago DC relocation. You can find detailed information regarding the Chicago DC relocation here.
We ask that our customers in our Chicago, IL data center please refrain from submitting trouble tickets to our help desk in reference to any service interruptions caused by this maintenance during the published maintenance window time frame. The most up-to-date information regarding this maintenance window can be found right here.
04/24/2011 @ 2300 hrs:
Non customer servers, including the server hosting geekstorage.com, are being prepared to be taken offline so that they can be relocated between data centers.
04/25/2011 @ 0010 hrs:
Non customer servers, including the server hosting geekstorage.com, have been successfully migrated between data centers and service has been restored.
04/25/2011 @ 0045 hrs:
The following shared and reseller servers are being prepared to be taken offline so that they can be relocated between data centers.
If you are a dedicated server customer located in the 350 E. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL data center, your server will be moved during this first batch of customer servers to be relocated.
04/25/2011 @ 0205 hrs:
The following shared and reseller servers have been successfully migrated between data centers. The servers are being turned back online and service should be restored shortly.
If you are a dedicated server customer located in the 350 E. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL data center, your server has been successfully migrated and service has been restored.
04/25/2011 @ 0230 hrs:
The following VPS nodes are being prepared to be taken offline so that they can be relocated between data centers.
04/25/2011 @ 0345 hrs:
The following VPS nodes have been successfully migrated between data centers. The servers are being turned back online and service should be restored shortly.
Maintenance Complete
At this time, the scheduled maintenance has been completed. Some servers will are still coming back online, however, I can now say that the migration went off without a hitch! The average downtime per server was approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, far short of our 3 hour estimates.
If you have any questions regarding the maintenance or need technical support, please e-mail us at [email protected].