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I have a credit card on file, but I keep getting an overdue invoice notification.

Author: Geek Support Reference Number: AA-00234 Created: 01/06/2011 02:58 AM Last Updated: 06/22/2018 08:21 PM

There are a couple of reasons why you may be receiving an "Overdue Invoice Notification" even if you have a credit card on file.

The most common reasons for this are:

  • Expired Credit Card
  • Insufficient Funds
  • Bank Fraud Verification (sometimes banks will reject certain transaction types and require your approval to process them)

Reviewing Your Credit Cards On File

  • Please check your credit card on file with us by logging into the GeekStorage Portal and then clicking the Account tab. 
  • Next, select Update next to Payment Method
  • Review your credit card(s) for accuracy and make any necessary adjustments. If you have more than one credit card on file, you can switch which credit card you want to use by selecting Make Primary next to the desired credit card. If the credit card is not expired and your payment is still declining, you may want to check with your bank or credit card company to make sure there isn't a problem with the credit card. 
  • If you would  like to add a new credit card, scroll down to Add New Credit Card and complete the form to associate a credit card with your account.

Still having trouble?

Please contact a Billing Geek for assistance.

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